Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Jesus Christ PETA! Relax, and Let the Gays Have their Fur

Ok, I know fur is bad and awful blah blah bah.  But I'm a fur whore and not afraid to say it.  I love to see regal ladies in their floor length minx's, boho girls in fur vests.  And I loves me my silver fox stole and so does figure skating power house and master showman Johnny Weir.  He skated to Gaga for crying out loud! Are we really surprised that he wanted to add a tasteful fur trim to his sparking bodysuit.  And who wouldn't want to stand out with a little fur guge?  Those poor sports at PETA thats who!  

On January 17 Johnny Weir did his free skate in the U.S. Figure Skating Championships wearing a bodysuit with a hint of fox fur on the shoulder. Animal-rights groups, predictably, are not having it. One such organization, called Friends of Animals, posted an open letter to Weir on their site asking him not to wear fur. They also contacted his costume designer, Stephanie Handler, yesterday. The AP explains:

Weir loves fashion, and his costumes tend to be on the avant-garde — some would say extreme — side. When the three-time U.S. champion redesigned his free skate costume before nationals, he had Handler add a tuft of white fox fur to the left shoulder.

Weir said he thought the costume was "lovely," but Friends of Animals disagreed.

"I totally get the dirtiness of the fur industry and how terrible it is to animals. But it's not something that's the No. 1 priority in my life," Weir added. He also notes the thousands of people dying in Haiti and said he prefers to focus his energy on causes related to humans. "While that may be callous and bad of me, it's my choice."

Read more: Johnny Weir’s Furry Shoulder Under Fire -- The Cut

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